Kickstarter - Elk: The Dev Board for the Decentralized World
I was following the project a while - now the made the step and moved to Kickstarter.
Its a simple Arduino compatible board that directly connects to the Blockchain. The word "directly" is the trick. You can already now connect to the BC with an IOT device, by using e.g. Infura - a service that is connecting you to the Ethereum BC. But -still - this is not real decentralized. All information is passing through Infura.
Elk promises to build a simple IOT device, that can be programmed easily and it connects directly to the BC. That means, you can execute real transaction with the private key stored on the device. The 2nd part is mobile-app that connects to the BC - that means for example - home automation without the Cloud, without VPN - decentralized.
What I will do?
This sounds promising, but the details are the key. I want to try this out and understand the aspects of architecture and security.. and of course build something out of it. Ideas are welcome 🙂
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